with Maher, a Maher Sakka blog

To compress a directory in Linux, you can use the tar command:

tar -zcvf file.tar.gz folder

To exclude a specific folder o...

To compress a directory in Linux you can use the zip command:

zip -r output_file.zip folder

You can compress multiple dire...

To get information about the total and available space on the Linux file system, you can use the df command.


The df c...

To search for a specific text on a Linux system, the grep command can be used according to the following syntax:

grep -iRl...

The "Please provide a valid cache path" problem usually appears in Laravel when transferring a project to a new hosting or dow...


Among the difficulties faced by application developers and IT articles writers in the Arabic language is to find technical ter...

Al Hamdoul'ELLEH,

I reopened my blog in this blessed month, and we ask God to help us with what benefits people.

In this blo...